Make holiday permanent
THE EDITOR: The Government in its wisdom has given the First Peoples a one-time public holiday today.
No one can debate the First Peoples contribution to TT’s development. Why is this part-time appreciation for one day only? I humbly suggest we make the holiday continuous.
The first Trini is Banwari Man. His skeleton was found in 1969 and dates back to 3400 BC. A time when cutlass was knife.
Christopher Columbus visited in 1492.
Our First Peoples, Amerindians, were already here. They had complex social systems, trade links with the South American mainland and the Antilles to the north.
Trinidad’s geographical location makes it ideal for connection to the world. They knew this many moons ago.
The Roman Catholic festival of Santa Rosa celebrates Carib heritage.
The First Peoples have given us names like Mayaro, Guayaguayare, Chaguanas and Arima.
Let us all make this indigenous heritage holiday a truly national event. I say again once is not enough.
Princes Town
"Make holiday permanent"