Victim’s head bashed in, throat slit

A 27-year-old Rio Claro man was brutally attacked at home yesterday, his head bashed in and throat slit. The killers ransacked the home of Larry Gomez, 27, and stole a quantity of household items.
An AD Wagon belonging to Gomez was found abandoned a short distance away from his home.
Neighbours who heard his screams for help contacted Rio Claro police but by the time officers arrived at the Cadiz Street, Ecclesville house, Gomez was already dead. Shocked neighbours watched as Gomez’s body was removed and taken to the Forensic Science Centre in St James for autopsy. Along the onlookers was the victim’s wife.
She told police that at 2.10 am, both she and Gomez were awakened from sleep by three masked men inside the house. Gomez was forced into the yard, while the woman ran to another bedroom and locked the door. Moments later, she heard Gomez scream.
According to residents the area is a virtually crime free one where persons sleep with their windows open and everyone look out for each other.
They admitted that there are persons who engage in the cultivation of marijuana but apart from that the fear of crime is not uppermost in persons’ minds.
Residents called on the police to find the perpetrators in the latest killing.
Gomez’s killing is the 365th murder for the year. No arrest has been made and investigations are ongoing.
"Victim’s head bashed in, throat slit"