JSL Int'l praised as workers receive benefits
More than two dozen offshore employees of JSL International received their long-awaited end of project benefits at the company's office on Abercromby street in Port of Spain, yesterday. The employees who were all part of the JSL Ocean Victory project which ended in July of this year were paid there wahes and were awaiting the payment of their benefits which included payment of porated vacations and severance packages.
Managing Director of JSL International Javid Ramcharitar said that the company has kept it's promise to workers, adding that while many companies remain challenged by uncertain economic times, management recognizes it's debt to it's workers and seeks to pay all debts.
"JSL has never remade on any outstanding payments owed to our employees and it is not our intention for the company to do so now. We propose the porated vacation to be paid during the months of August and September of which 90% has already been paid to our employees the remainder of which will be fully paid by September 25."
Ramcharitar also confirmed that management was in receipt of severance letters of employees from the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) during the month of September and assured workers that payments would be made within the months of October and November.
He urged trade unions and their members to be more cognisant of the challenges many companies now face as they attempt to navigate increasingly uncertain economic times, adding that poor industrial relations, deters future investment in T&T and further places the country at risk.
"I am a national of Trinidad and Tobago, a father, a businessman and an employer with over 450 employees. JSL is taking a stance, a stance against some of the members of the Oilfield Workers' Trade Union in order to preserve the future of our company, our country and our investor interests, thereby ensuring job security for all of our families and our future generations to come."
JSL employee, Anthony Ocho also spoke at the conference and said that in he was generally satisfied with the outcome of discussions with management and praised management for their handling of the situation.
"I've been an employee with JSL international for the last six years and to my knowledge it is one of the best industries I've ever worked for, in terms of the relationship between workers and management. I just want to tell the management that they are doing a great job and only a few heads are unhappy because they can't get their own way."
"JSL Int'l praised as workers receive benefits"