ODPM announces items for Irma relief

The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management (ODPM) has announced a list of prelimany items required for countries impacted by Hurricane Irma.

In a release, the ODPM reported that it has been in communication with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), who has been co-ordinating regional response and relief to participating states impacted by Hurricane Irma namely: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, the British Virgin Islands, Haiti, Turks and Caicos Islands.

ODPM said that while cash donations are considered to best practice at this stage of relief efforts, a preliminary needs list has been generated from damage assessments conducted and the following items are being requested: water*; 20 x 24 tarpaulins; collapsible water containers (five gallons); bleach (one litre)*; mops with handles; push brooms with handles; disinfectant (one litre)*; mopping liquid (one litre)*; mosquito repellent; canned food items (sardine, tuna, corned beef, soup)*; packaged dry goods (cereal, crackers)*; disposable diapers; cloth diapers with pins; baby powder; vaseline; baby wipes; bottled baby food*; pacifiers; baby aspirin; Tylenol; matches (by the carton); buckets (five gallons); rubbing alcohol (one litre)*; Ziploc bags (boxes); and paper towels (by the carton).

The items marked * are requested preferably by the case, but all donations are welcomed. ODPM also said that the Trinidad and Tobago Postal Corporation has volunteered to assist in relief efforts and has set up various collection points for items at a number of their corporate post shop locations.

ODPM said that citizens wishing to assist those affected by Hurricane Irma are welcome to drop off any amount of the specified items in labelled boxes, indicating the package is for Hurricane Irma Relief via the ODPM, the item and its quantity. ODPM asked that citizens please ensure that all items carry a minimum shelf life of six (6) months.



"ODPM announces items for Irma relief"

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