Port Authority goes silent on Bridgeman’s
The Port Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (PATT) withdrew a press release suddenly Friday night that it had earlier said was intended to ensure that there was no “misinterpretation or ambiguity” on what was conveyed to another media house by Andrew Purdey, vice president of Bridgeman Services, the day before.
The withdrawal offered no explanation nor did it point to any specifics in the original release issued earlier Friday evening that needed correction or further clarification.
All it did was alert media houses that the original release was “recalled.”
In its recalled release, the Port indicated that because of the ongoing investigations, it had no intentions “to continue these matters in the public domain.”
The recalled release dealt with the number of offerings that were made to the PATT by Bridgemans Services Group and another agency, Ken Shipping and Marine, and denied communication or discussion with Bridgeman’s brokers.
The Port spoke about the number of meetings it held with Bridgeman’s, disclosing when the firm was contacted to arrange surveys for one of the ships and when the first face-to-face meeting between Bridgeman’s and PATT managers took place.
"Port Authority goes silent on Bridgeman’s"