PTSC drivers go slow

A “go-slow” yesterday by Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC) drivers led to a reported three-hour delay in the commute time of persons using the corporation's City Gate, Port-of-Spain hub.
Contacted by Newsday, PTSC’s general manager Ronald Forde said some drivers are apparently still dissatisfied with the condition of the drivers' lobby at City Gate.
“It was refurbished a little over two months ago, including getting a new coat of paint,” Forde said. “The lobby is a place of high activity; lots of drivers coming on and off shift, so I’ve sent staff from our Properties Division down there to inspect the place.”
Forde, who spoke with Newsday around 5.20 pm today, said the inspection was taking place "as we speak, so you'd have to call back tomorrow morning to get more detailed information about the drivers' concerns."
Asked if he had received any complaints yesterday from either drivers or their union, Forde told Newsday, "Nobody came to me. Not the union, not any drivers." The PTSC GM assured however that while buses had been departing at a slower than normal rate, there was no need to call out off-duty staff today.
"PTSC drivers go slow"