TATT writes TTPBA again: Shal, TUCO react

For the second time in less than a month, Dr John Prince, CEO of the Telecommunications Authority (TATT), has written to Daren Lee Sing, president of the TT Publishers and Broadcasters Association (TTPBA), about its concerns about another song released for the Carnival season.
The song, Take Jam, was composed by a St Lucian, Motto, and features TT’s own Shal Marshall and Hypa 4000, from St Vincent and the Grenadines
The letter to the TTPBA says the lyrics that are of particularly great concern are:
“Take jam in yuh mudder hmm ... bend over gyal ... bend over in your favourite position gyul.”
The authority says such statements can prove inappropriate and degrading to women in particular and has urged the TTPBA to continue to exercise socially responsible behaviour in the selection of content broadcast on station(s).
Prince said in his letter: “While the authority continues to encourage you as broadcasters to take every opportunity to promote the richness and beauty of our culture and heritage; we wish to remind you of maintaining ethical and moral standards in the broadcast of both audio and visual content on your station(s) during the season. The Authority also notes that during the Carnival season, programming content tends to be of a highly sexual and salacious nature; especially during periods when children are likely to be listening or watching.”
Contacted yesterday, Marshall said he didn’t have a problem with TATT’s concerns.
“If that is their view, we can respect what they are saying and not promote it any more, especially in TT. As for me, I don’t mind not playing it and respecting their views. That is no problem for me.”
But Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO) president Lutalo Masimba said if TATT is concerned about inappropriate material airing in the Carnival season, it should not stop there but look at the bigger picture, because there was equally inappropriate material in other genres of music, including pop, urban and dancehall.
"TATT writes TTPBA again: Shal, TUCO react"