Doubles vendor killed at Curepe junction, man gunned down in Tunapuna

A 31-year-old doubles vendor was shot dead while on the job at the busy Curepe junction on Tuesday night.  

Police said Kareem Jervisalso known as "Smokey," was at the Sauce doubles stand along the Southern Main Road, around 7.30 pm when he was shot several times.  

Passersby took the injured man to the nearby Mt Hope hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival at 7.40 pm.  

Investigators said Jervis was shot in the left side of the chest, forearm and the right side of his back.

In a separate incident, which took place around the same time, police responded to a fatal shooting in Tunapuna.


A resident of Tunapuna Road reported hearing gunshots outside her home around 7.30 pm and then saw 35-year-old Mickel Diaz bleeding in her yard.  

Police and a district medical officer were summoned. Diaz was declared dead at the scene.


"Doubles vendor killed at Curepe junction, man gunned down in Tunapuna"

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