UNC: Government too aggressive over covid19

File photo: Political leader of the UNC Kamla Persad Bissessar
File photo: Political leader of the UNC Kamla Persad Bissessar

The United National Congress (UNC) finds it disturbing that Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh "continues to attack" anyone who questions the government’s handling of the covid19 pandemic.

In a release, the Opposition said the tone of the government’s press conferences is becoming more aggressive and political when faced with valid questions from citizens.

It said the Health Minister chose to deliver a diatribe on Wednesday instead of giving the population much-needed information, and it was appalling that he refused to respond to the concerns raised, including questions from members of the media. The opposition described this approach of "deflection and meandering answers" as a disservice to an anxious population.

The UNC said the administration chooses to berate and vilify anyone who speaks out rather than approaching questions with transparency and accountability, and has repeatedly tried to politicise all legitimate queries into processes, distribution of funding, testing for covid19 and levels of preparedness for this health crisis.

This type of rhetoric from people charged with leading the country endangered everyone, it said, reminding the government that citizens’ rights must not be trampled upon while dealing with a pandemic.


The opposition said it will continue to hold the government accountable to the people.

If the government is serious about uniting to fight the disease, the UNC said, it should accept the Opposition Leader’s proposal for the formation of a multi-stakeholder task force to map the way forward.


"UNC: Government too aggressive over covid19"

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