Chaos at Chaguanas swearing-in

PNM alderman Stacy Mc Sween who was sworn in at the Chaguanas Borough corporation on Tuesday chat with PNM councillor for Edinburgh/Longdenville Janelle Joe-Ryan at the swearing in ceremony.
Photo by Lincoln Holder
PNM alderman Stacy Mc Sween who was sworn in at the Chaguanas Borough corporation on Tuesday chat with PNM councillor for Edinburgh/Longdenville Janelle Joe-Ryan at the swearing in ceremony. Photo by Lincoln Holder

Miscommunication and an administrative oversight were the reasons given for a three-hour delay in swearing in aldermen on Tuesday morning at the Chaguanas Borough Corporation.

The proceedings, which were scheduled to start at 9 am at the corporation's office at Cumberbatch Street, did not begin until noon, owing to the absence of the People’s National Movement (PNM) alderwoman Stacy McSween.

McSween said she was unaware that the swearing-in ceremony was taking place on Tuesday, as she had not been notified or asked to be an alderman.

She said, “I got a call around 10 am today (Tuesday) and was told that I had to be here. I was not aware before. I was on my way to court and literally had to drop everything I was doing to be here.

“I did not know prior to this that I was chosen to fill the position of alderwoman for the PNM.”

She said, “I was aware that I was nominated along with seven other people, but no one called me and told me that I had to be here."

PNM councillor Janelle Joe-Ryan said she also did not receive an invitation, but was able to attend because she made inquiries.

She explained, “The messenger dropped off the invitation at a wrong address and there was a mix-up. The invitation was addressed to the correct location, but it was not dropped off there.

“I would like to believe that this was not sabotage, but rather a mismanagement by the people who were given the task.”

The corporation and United National Congress (UNC) members said invitations were sent out and those invited confirmed their attendance.

UNC public relations officer Anita Haynes said, “It does not seem feasible that one person can hijack the working of a corporation by simply absenting themself from a duty."

Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Kazim Hosein, who had been there since 9 am, said poor work ethics should not be tolerated.

He said, “This office is temporary. Use this office to help the people that put you there. Fall in love with the people who put you there, not the office.

“As politicians we need to hear more and talk less. And, we need to listen to the people who put us in office.”

He stressed that administrators and politicians need to work together for an effective local government body.

“For far too long there has not been a proper relationship between the CEOs, politicians and the administration.

“This has to stop. We need (the) administration to work closely with the political arm, whatever party you belong to.”

Former mayor Gopaul Boodhan did not attend, and there was speculation that he had been forced to step down.

Haynes denied the allegations but was unable to give a reason for Boodhan's absence.


"Chaos at Chaguanas swearing-in"

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