West: PNM met economy in distress

Minister of Public Administration Allyson West
Minister of Public Administration Allyson West

MINISTER in the Ministry of Finance Allyson West says the PNM discovered “an economy in distress” when it assumed office in September 2015.

West made this statement as she opened the budget debate in the Senate on Wednesday.

She said under the former PP government, there were alarmingly high levels of expenditure that peaked at $63 billion in fiscal 2014, projects which bore relatively reduced economic benefits, and a cash position which affected TT’s operations.

West said, through a “sequenced programme of internal adjustment measures,” Government was able to bring stability to the economy and “alter the deteriorated revenue position we had inherited.” She explained the measures taken by Government over the last four years “were necessary to give this country the breathing room to maintain essential operations.”

Despite the country’s economic constraints, West said Government tried to buffer the impact of depressed economic circumstances on the population and particularly “the most vulnerable among us.” Opposition Senator Wade Mark rejected West’s statement.


“People will never forget how you made them feel,” he told government senators. Mark claimed the PNM was offering the population nothing but “crumbs from the master’s table.” He alleged that over 100,000 workers have lost their jobs under the PNM.

Mark challenged “outgoing” Labour Minister Jennifer Baptiste-Primus to say how many collective agreements were negotiated under the PNM and what were their value.

He also alleged that TT has fallen under every governance indice and the economy “has been in a freefall over the last four years.”

Mark said, “Government integrity is under siege.”

At one point, he claimed Trade and Industry Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon was heckling him.

“You have to protect me from this lady,” Mark begged Senate Vice-President Nigel De Freitas.


"West: PNM met economy in distress"

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