$100k raised for C’bean oncology group

THE VALDEZ and Torry International team were the winners of the 20th Scotiabank Women’s Wellness Charity Golf Tournament at the St Andrew’s Golf Course in Moka, Maraval but the real winner was the Caribbean Association for Oncology and Haematology (CAOH).
Every year an organisation benefits from the tournament with CAOH receiving $100,000 following this year’s tournament, yesterday.
CAOH works in partnership with local, state and non-state agencies in both public and private spheres to create sustainable health solutions, related to combating non-communicable diseases including cancer. This year, Scotiabank will be working with CAOH on a community outreach programme with activities that facilitate education, screening, promoting survivorship and highlighting palliative care.
The top three teams all ended with 44, but Judy-Ann Stewart and Anthony Smart representing Valdez and Torry came out on top. In second place were Pauline Raynor and Barbara McEachrane of Caribbean Packaging Industries and third place were the father-daughter duo of Takoor and Deahanna Ramnath representing TT Newsday.
Winning the nearest the pin awards were Angela Hodgkinson of ProCom and national junior golfer Zico Corriea of CIC Insurance Brokers Limited, while Hal Mohammed of Executive Body Guard Services got a hole in one. Hodgkinson and Sandra Charles Montano of ProCom were the best dressed women’s team, while Peter Ghany and Graeme Khan of Esau Oilfield Supplies were the best dressed men’s team.
Takoor was glad to represent Newsday and be part of such a worthy cause. “It is always good to be able to give back to society in whatever way we can and along with (Newsday) sponsorship it is fantastic....it’s about having fun and the camaraderie.” Stephen Bagnarol, senior vice-president and managing director at Scotiabank TT, said Scotiabank is delighted to be part of the tournament for 20 years.
“Last year I was here, met some of you and had a terrific time but this year, it is so much more exciting for me as we celebrate the 20th anniversary of this golf tournament.
“Twenty years is a long time to be dedicated to a cause and what’s even more commendable is that in this 20-year period we have had over 600 sponsors, in excess of 1,600 participants and over 19,000 women have benefited. Now that deserves a round of applause.”
Bagnarol reiterated the bank’s commitment to helping women live healthier lives.
“Scotiabank and the Scotiabank Foundation are committed to helping people and communities become better off. We’re also dedicated to supporting women and women’s causes. Women are a significant unit in society. They play a vast array of roles – mothers, wives, sisters, grandmothers, the list goes on. As such, the focus of this golf tournament has always been for the betterment of women.”
"$100k raised for C’bean oncology group"