Library access for Riverside carpark homeless

Rhea Hosein, director Digicel Foundation show off a book to Oliver Critchlow at the new library that was launch by the Foundation at the centre for Displaced People at the Riverside carpark in Port of Spain, on the left is Rudolph Boneo, National President. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. PHOTO SUREAS CHOLAI
Rhea Hosein, director Digicel Foundation show off a book to Oliver Critchlow at the new library that was launch by the Foundation at the centre for Displaced People at the Riverside carpark in Port of Spain, on the left is Rudolph Boneo, National President. Society of St. Vincent de Paul. PHOTO SUREAS CHOLAI

More than 108 displaced people at Riverside carpark, PoS will benefit from having access to a well-established library after an estimated $25,000 donation from the Digicel Foundation.

At the official opening of the library today, Rudolph Boneo, national president for the Society of St Vincent De Paul said despite the many challenges on a daily basis, the society will continue to bring betterment for residents.

Boneo said work on the library started in the past but faltered.

He said the amount of work done by the society over the years would not have happened without the help from corporate TT.

"Today's event was one example where Digicel Foundation stepped-up in realising the work the society is doing for displaced people. The library is something we have started before. We are hoping that with this attempt we will be able to maintain it and can always be there for the residents."



"Library access for Riverside carpark homeless"

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