Holy Cross old boy helps school scholar

HOLY CROSS College scholarship winner Dinesh Daniel received an extra boost towards pursuing his career goals, as old boy Israel Duncan presented a cheque to him worth $8,000 at the Holy Cross College Achievement Day at the school's compound in Arima on Friday.
Daniel is only the second student to win a national scholarship in the 60-year history of the school. Daniel studied chemistry, physics, pure maths and Caribbean and communication studies. Daniel was thankful for the gesture. "Words cannot describe how I feel. It is very generous of him and I appreciate it very much," Daniel said.
Daniel is currently studying mechanical engineering at the University of the West Indies (UWI) and he also has goals of following in the footsteps of Duncan as he wants to study aviation.
Daniel is hoping to inspire more students at Holy Cross to get scholarships. "I want to see my school succeed, every year someone should get a scholarship and we have the potential to do it," Daniel said.
Duncan was glad to give back. He said, "(It means) everything, it is special to my old school but giving is my life, it is my calling that is what it is about for me." He said not long before writing CSEC exams a teacher told his father that he should try getting into farming. Duncan, who is now a pilot, says there is nothing wrong with farming but he wanted more for himself. He was a student at Holy Cross from 1994-1999.
He said he will give more money –a month's salary– to students who get scholarships in the future. "Every year, once they get (scholarships I will give), any time they get, that month's salary will go to how many of them (who get scholarships)."
"Holy Cross old boy helps school scholar"