Fishing sheds demolished

OUR EVIDENCE: Norbitt Joseph, left, and other finshermen display their documents which they claim authorises them to operate at the Alcan fishing depot in Chaguaramas. PHOTO BY AZLAN MOHAMMED
OUR EVIDENCE: Norbitt Joseph, left, and other finshermen display their documents which they claim authorises them to operate at the Alcan fishing depot in Chaguaramas. PHOTO BY AZLAN MOHAMMED

FISHERMEN and boat repairmen at the Alcan Bay landing site in Chaguaramas are divided over a joint police-defence force exercise yesterday which led to the arrest of two people and destruction of several boats and sheds deemed illegal by the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA).

Newsday understands the exercise began at 4 am and involved Western Division Police, the Defence Force and the Customs and Excise Division, who began demolishing sheds and boats which were marked for removal last month. Senior officers in the Western Division said the exercise was to remove squatters and illegal immigrants.

Several fisherfolk said they supported the exercise as it would not affect their livelihood, as most of the structures earmarked for destruction had been out of operation for several years.

One said, “All those boats and huts you are seeing along the bay have been there 30 or 40 years.

They are not doing anything but being an eyesore and acting as a haven for illegal activities. This is what the bay needs and we as fishermen fully support it, we are not affected by it at all.”


However, others contend that their sheds were destroyed even after they were reassured by CDA officials that they were safe. Veteran fisherman and boat operator Norbitt Joseph says he has worked as a legitimate fisherman for 48 years and has documents to support his right to have a vessel and a shed on the bay.

Citing an article in the Newsday from August 22, Joseph said CDA chairman Gupte Lutchmedial was reported as saying that fishermen at the Alcan Bay landing site were not in any danger of being evicted.

“I’ve been here for almost 50 years, operating my boat and plying my trade. I got a notice of eviction letter in August, which really confused me, because I have all my documents, including my boating licence and my fishing licence to prove I am a legitimate fisherman. I don’t know what else they want for me to prove that.”

Fisherman and boat repairman of 40 years Lincoln Modeste was arrested after he refused to allow police to clear his home. Another man was arrested after he refused to leave the site despite warnings from the police.

Corporate secretary of Fishermen and Friends of the Sea (FFOS) Gary Aboud described the exercise as a ‘’military coup’’ by the government and said there was need for better consultation with the fisherfolk before such action was taken.

“It seems that the greatest problem we have nationally is that those in office forget the little, simple people have rights too. There has been no consultation with what they are doing down there and information has been sporadic and inconsistent.”

Newsday attempted to contact CDA Chairman Gupte Lutchmedial but were told he was in a meeting.


"Fishing sheds demolished"

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