TPRC working to resolve garbage collection issue

The Tunapuna/Piarco Regional Corporation (TPRC) over the past two weeks has been in receipt of several complaints of uncollected garbage and is currently implementing measures to resolve the situation.

A statement from the Corporation said the executive has noted with concern that some of the scavenging contractors have been underperforming.

“This has become apparent at a time when the Corporation has decided to revisit its days for collection by reducing the contractual days from four (4) days to three (3) days per week.

“Until October 2017, the TPRC stood as the only Corporation other than the PoS City Corporation (which has their own trucks) that continued to conduct a four day service. It should be noted that a seven (7) day service will continue along the Eastern Main Road and other selected areas,” the statement said.

“In this time of adjustment on a national level and at the TPRC, we will undertake all options inclusive of legal action to ensure we enforce our respective contracts and anticipate a quick resolution of the issue.


We ask that burgesses bear with us as we work to resolve same and look forward to the full support of all contractors involved to come to an amicable resolution,” the statement added.


"TPRC working to resolve garbage collection issue"

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