Celebrating World Hindi Day

Children representing the gods and goddesses participate in the World Hindi Day event put on by the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan. -
Children representing the gods and goddesses participate in the World Hindi Day event put on by the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan. -

Prayer, readings and performances were among the activities held in observation of World Hindi Day by the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan (BVS) at the Shree Adesh Ashram, Lower Aranjuez Main Road, Aranjuez on September 14 .

Students from the various BVS centres, including Aalok in Aranjuez, Saraswati Vidyalaya in Couva, Trinidadeshwar Vidyalaya in Penal, and other areas participated in events that showcased the multifaceted nature of the Hindi language, a media release said.

Participants representing various states in India join in the observation of World Hindi Day at the Shree Adesh Ashram, Lower Aranjuez Main Road, Aranjuez. -

The programme started with the lighting of the deya with the mantras, followed by Saraswati Vandana. In attendance were were BVS director general Guruji Dr Vivek S Adesh, gurumaataji Dr Kadambari Adesh, associate president Shri Tensing Ramlakhan, vice president pundit Rickie Maharaj, and joint secretary Ramhit Bhimsingh, and other BVS officers.

Literary works composed by the institution's founder, Param Gurudev Prof Adeshji, were recited, paying homage to his legacy and major contributions to Hindi and Indian culture, the release said.

The children represented various devis (goddesses) and devtas (gods), and other participants represented the various states of India.

The Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan team: Shri Ramhit Bhimsingh, left, Shri Tensing Ramlakhan, Guruji Dr Vivek Shanker Adeshji, Gurumaataaji Kadambari Adeshji and pundit Rickie Maharaj. -

The highlight of the evening was the reciting of Hindi poems by Kadambari Adesh. The entire audience recited with her.

Guruji Dr Vivek Adeshji appreciated, encouraged, and motivated everyone with his speech. He emphasised the importance of Hindi and encouraged all to continue to preserve and propagate Indian culture and Hindi, the release said.

The event showcased the Hindi language's role in fostering unity and preserving cultural heritage within the Indian diaspora.

Param Gurudev Sangeetaachaaryaa Mahakavi Prof Hari Shanker Adeshji, a cultural emissary from India, arrived in TT in 1966 with a mission to promote the Hindi language. His vision, however, extended far beyond mere language instruction. Recognising the interest in Indian culture amongst the local Indian diaspora, Adeshji and his wife, Dr Nirmala Adeshji, established the Bharatiya Vidya Sansthhaan (BVS) on November 21, 1966, to promote authentic Indian languages and culture, the release said.

Gurumaataaji Kadambari Adeshji recites Hindi poetry on World Hindi Day -

Over the past five-plus decades, BVS's influence has transcended national borders, reaching a global audience. BVS stands as a testament to Adesh's visionary leadership and the enduring appeal of Indian culture. The institution's legacy continues to flourish under the guidance of Vivek Shanker Adeshji, son of the founders, the release said.

BVS said it runs a comprehensive network of educational and cultural centres across Trinidad and Tobago, dedicated to preserving and promoting Indian values and traditions.

The centres in Aranjuez, Arima, Chaguanas, San Fernando, Penal, Couva, Caroni and various other regions offer diverse classes. Through this extensive network, BVS said it ensures the accessibility of learning opportunities to communities throughout the nation.


"Celebrating World Hindi Day"

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