Man shot dead outside Belmont Police station

A policeman. - File photo by David Reid
A policeman. - File photo by David Reid

Police continue to investigate the murder of 28-year-old Kevon “Bumbles” Moses outside the Belmont police station on Monday.

Moses, of Calvary Hill in East Dry River, Port of Spain, was reportedly leaving the police station after being released from custody.

Sources told Newsday he had been detained in connection with a recent crime.

At around 6.30 pm, Moses walked out of the station and down the stairs to the pavement.

Moments later, gunmen pulled up alongside him in a Nissan B14 and shot him multiple times.


Moses collapsed near the police station’s carpark.

The gunmen drove off before police could react. Officers who heard the shots ran outside and found Moses lying on the ground.

He was taken to the Port of Spain General Hospital, where he was declared dead.

Crime scene investigators found 11 rounds of 5.56 ammunition.

Region One of the Homicide Bureau of Investigations is continuing enquiries.

Newsday went to Calvary Hill to speak with Moses' relatives, but was unable to find them.

However, a man in the area, who chose to remain anonymous, said the incident has left him feeling unsafe.

“I can never feel safe, nobody can. With a move like that…with something like that happening, nobody can be safe.”

He said the killing should never have happened.


“Let’s say I get (arrested) for beating my wife or something after we fight. You telling me that I can't walk out the station because the police wouldn't be there? If she had brothers, sisters, uncle, whoever looking for me, the police would be there to protect me then. In front of a station…that should never happen.”

He said he believes the police have questions to answer over this incident.

“A lot of people getting locked up for weed, guns, ammunition, whatever. But you never hear that happen. This means some way, somewhere along the line he was targeted.

“The police (service) isn't working, because it have no way for you to be safe. Where you're seeing things like this going on, how could you, as a citizen, feel safe knowing that somebody get killed in front of a (police) station?”

The man called on Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher to increase the number of police patrols and said he had not seen any police in the area after the killing.

“At least give us a ten officers on a patrol somewhere, so people could feel safe.”

He challenged Harewood-Christopher, saying, “Fix it and prove to me that this country could really be something.”

Newsday contacted the Police Service's corporate communication department for the response to the incident.

However, none had been forthcoming up till press time.



"Man shot dead outside Belmont Police station"

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