TTT's disrespect to Plummer
THE EDITOR: While Denyse Plummer's second son, Kevin Boocock, was in the midst Wednesday of giving his solemn eulogy to his mother (her first son, Jesse, had already delivered his), TTT suddenly cut away from the funeral to show a loud commercial which led into the Play Whe drawing at 10.30 am.
What massive disrespect, not only to the viewers but, especially, to her family.
There was no sense of propriety in that action which showed the true thinking of TTT's management.
It would have been so much easier if the numbers were quietly scrolled across the bottom of the television screen. But that is only seen in so-called developed-world television stations.
The most unfortunate part of this was that viewers were robbed of a most eloquent and personal description of how Plummer held out to see her second grandchild.
I hope an apology is proffered by TTT's management.
Mt Hope
"TTT’s disrespect to Plummer"