Barrackpore man shot dead on deserted road

Khanta Ramdass -
Khanta Ramdass -

TRAGEDY seems to be stalking the Ramdass family.

On Saturday morning, security guards on patrol, discovered the body of Khanta Ramdass, 43, at Mud Plant Road, Off Wilson Road, Barrackpore with what appeared to be gunshot injuries.

His death has rekindled the tragic circumstances in which four of his 12 siblings have died over several years.

Ramdass’ sister Vashti Toolsie said the family, especially her ailing mother, was struggling to come to terms with his death.

She said one of her brothers committed suicide at the house in which Ramdass lived at No 10 Digity Branch Trace, Penal. Another brother became paralysed after he fell off a tree and suffered for 15 years before he died, while the third brother and a sister died from heart attacks.


“My mother is not taking this death well. She is just crying. This is the fifth child she has lost. She has a heart condition and I have to constantly be by her side. I am frightened for her.”

Toolsie said her mother would celebrate her 84th birthday on April 9, “but we can’t celebrate. We have to keep wake and bury my brother instead.”

She said she knew of no reason why anyone would want her brother dead as he was well liked by everyone in the close-knit community.

She did admit, however, that Ramdass who was unmarried and had no children was threatened in January.

She said he never had any trouble with the law.

Police report that around 5.15 am on Saturday, an estate constable, employed with Heritage Security Ltd, contacted both the Barrackpore and Penal police stations to report the body of a man at the side of Mud Plant Road.

Police officers from both stations as well as Homicide officers responded and recovered six spent 9mm shell casings, one projectile, one empty brown wallet and another brown wallet with the victim's identification card.

District Medical Officer Dr Daniel visited the scene, viewed the body and ordered its removal to the San Fernando General Hospital Mortuary pending a post mortem at the Forensic Science Centre, St James.

Police said there is no known motive for his death.



"Barrackpore man shot dead on deserted road"

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