Thanks for your years of service, Doc

Dr Keith Rowley - Faith Ayoung
Dr Keith Rowley - Faith Ayoung

THE EDITOR: Open letter to Dr Keith Rowley.

Hello, Doc, life is very difficult to understand. There are beautiful rivers with streams of clean, refreshing waters, and just when you relax to enjoy the scenery there comes the flood with muddy strong currents washing away everything in its path. There is no peace, no gratefulness and no satisfaction externally; one must find that satisfaction within oneself.

On behalf of a very complex nation of diverse people and opinions, I want to thank you for your years of service to TT.

Over the years I have come across many individuals who are very intelligent and have some very practical solutions to the problems we face. Many of them, however, believe that writing and talking eventually leads to getting things done.

When the country requires them to get involved to make their contribution politically, they return to the comfort of their armchairs and their keyboards, criticising those who dared to serve.


Politicians are not perfect beings, and many find themselves so consumed with being elected and staying in service that they get lost in the struggle, deviating from the path that led them to service.

Focusing on a people, a country, its security and its infrastructure in a competitive political climate continually stifled by those who were unelected but hold the real power is challenging. You handled the challenges well.

In this climate, things fall apart, sometimes physically. President's House, the Office of the Prime Minister and the home of Parliament, the Red House, all fell into disrepair over the years. It was your personal commitment to restore those symbols of government that have them in use today. That to me is highly commendable and something that I will always be grateful for.

I leave it to your supporters and those close to you to speak of your achievements. I simply want to say that you have done what many fail to attempt – to put oneself out there and serve our country.

As you enter this new phase of your existence here on Earth, I wish you good health and God’s wisdom to guide you through this new challenge.


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"Thanks for your years of service, Doc"

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