Great that you have quit, Rowley

THE EDITOR: I begin with the declaration of a state of emergency (SoE) by Dr Rowley, because of his absolute failure to decrease the runaway murder toll in the ten years of his reign as prime minister and because it’s an election year. Politics at play? one may ask.
And even in the midst of the SoE the brutal murders continue unabated, with 83 in a 74-day period at the time of writing. And with the detection rate always near zero, prosecution is like pie in the sky – would never happen. How does the former PM and political leader reconcile this massive failure with his claim to leaving TT better off?
He accepts a full increase and back pay of salaries for himself, government and opposition members, while giving the ordinary public servants four per cent only. How’s that leaving TT better off with higher food prices and utilities to be raised if the government retains power?
Rowley says TT is one of the best places in the world to live. What a stupid self-righteous statement to make when most of our ordinary citizens live in absolute fear, day and night, of becoming a victim, and worse a statistic, of crime, as is the norm presently, and without any justice to follow.
What significant benefits have he provided in ten years that have made citizens much better off? The economy is not diversified, we depend strongly on oil and gas, which is depleting, while his big dream of Dragon gas has a lot of hiccups. And as he said, if it does not go through then our coo coo is cooked. What does that mean? And saying TT is a difficult country to govern is an admittance of failure on his part.
Rowley, your legacy as PM and the last ten years of governance have left many citizens disillusioned with feelings of hopelessness. Therefore, it’s absolutely great that you have have resigned, which is an actual benefit to the country and people.
Good riddance! Enjoy your retirement, Rowley. Without a doubt it will be a grand one.
St James
"Great that you have quit, Rowley"