Go brave, acting CoP

Minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland - Photo by Angelo Marcelle
Minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland - Photo by Angelo Marcelle

THE EDITOR: Well, well, well, we have finally turned the page in the fight against crime. How did it take so long? Who has the testicular fortitude to take the fight to the offenders?

Is it new management? Minister in the Ministry of National Security, added strength or new police leadership? Fresh anointing? (I am not here imputing any shortcomings in the substantive holders of these two positions). Is it because they have decided now to bind up the strongmen and then attack? Hallelujah!

The removal of those surveillance cameras in Sea Lots is a major strike against crime and criminality in that area. It removes the heads-up offenders have on police interception, even as it may remove the coverage from attacks of opponents, but the police now need to step up their game in that respect.

In many communities this is a strategy. I was amazed a few months ago when I heard about a shopkeeper in a community who was shot and killed for no apparent reason.

However, "de ground" says "the mafia" wanted to mount a camera on his shop wall, which would give them a strategic advantage in any approaching threat, police or otherwise. He resisted and was killed. And what I heard is that the camera was still mounted and remains mounted today.


The added strength to the Ministry of National Security, go brave. The current leadership of the police service is a believer. He who started a good work is able to complete it. Go brave, acting commissioner, go brave.


San Fernando


"Go brave, acting CoP"

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