Revolutionising pan education through technology, creativity

CEO, Benoit Academy of Steelpan
The UN has designated August 11 World Steelpan Day and acknowledged that the pan grew out of TT in the early 20th century.
The Benoit Academy of Steelpan was established 12 years ago and has been reshaping the landscape of steelpan education and blending tradition with cutting-edge technology. This, in an effort to ensure the instrument's continued growth and relevance as a tool to support the cadre of cultural instruments that soothes and educates.
With a vision for steelpan education, the academy remains at the forefront of combining culture, innovation and education with the use of tools such as the Internet of Things (IoT), a custom-built Learning Management Platform (LMS), and groundbreaking animation projects to create a modern steelpan learning experience.
The importance of this effort cannot be overemphasised given that the pan is the national instrument of TT.
A critical objective is to ensure our country remains on top and to do this, it is imperative to embrace technology for steelpan education.
At the core of the successes achieved is the innovative use of IoT and digital tools. The Benoit Academy has developed an LMS to deliver its diverse curriculum to students worldwide and via the LMS’s interactive online opportunities such as pan performance and stage presence, managing a steel orchestra, and mastering the tenor pan at any time and cater to players of all skillsets.
In an effort to remain the country that embraces all aspects of the pan and to keep its space in a modern world, the development of a 2D animated series titled Legends of Panderica is in progress, and scheduled to be launched in 2025 as a unique project which combines entertainment with education and the introduction of pan to younger audiences through storytelling and animation. The use of these captivating narratives and relatable characters in Legends of Panderica will aim to inspire a global appreciation for steelpan music.
The success stories of the academy’s trust in pan has been significant, in that the author participated in the 2016 Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative (YLAI) and brought international recognition to the academy. This sparked the need for collaborations with US-based organisations and the establishment of Steelpan Global.
This initiative fostered international partnerships and encouraged the spread of pan education through workshops and digital platforms which stands out as an additional feature for the further advancement of pan education and steelpan music.
Covid19 pushed us into the virtual space in many respects. The virtual programmes offered in the area of steelpan education are no different, as we have garnered international acclaim through this medium.
This has empowered pan enthusiasts across continents to learn, play and contribute to the art form. The courses, from stage presence to lessons in steelpan manufacturing, have positioned the model that is used to become one of the key leaders in pan education.
This demonstrates that the pan is here to stay, and a focused strategy to keep it at the front of stage in entertainment is important from a country’s perspective.
In this context, the future of pan and the future of our work as an academy in the field is both ambitious and promising. There is active exploration of new frontiers in technology, global outreach and research and development to push the boundaries of pan education further up the international ladder as we seek to establish partnerships and campuses in key regions worldwide, allowing students to engage in hybrid learning that combines online resources with in-person instruction.
Development of the smart steelpan equipped with IoT sensors is an important feature, as these instruments will provide real-time feedback on performance and enable students to track their progress and improve their skills with precision.
To remain competitive, there is focus on TT and by extension the worldwide need for advanced learning tools: expanding the LMS platform to include AI-powered tutors and augmented-reality (AR) applications for immersive learning experiences.
The preservation of the cultural heritage of TT and the need to achieve traditional compositions and oral histories while ensuring the roots of the steelpan remain accessible to future generations must be kept uppermost in our minds at the academy and we believe the same for every citizen of TT, given the recognition of the pan on the worldwide stage.
Rooted in innovation, the academy seeks to position itself as the global leader in steelpan education by integrating technology and creativity. Projects like Legends of Panderica demonstrate their commitment to making pan education accessible and exciting for people of all ages.
Meanwhile, the LMS ensures students worldwide can learn at their own pace, breaking down barriers to entry for this iconic instrument. The author believes innovation is the key to keeping the steelpan relevant in the 21st century. "The steelpan is more than an instrument; it’s a symbol of creativity and resilience – by the use of technology, the beauty can be shared with the world in ways never before imagined."
A global steelpan community may be considered a step in the right direction, with its main goal of working towards fostering such a community to encourage collaboration among players, educators and enthusiasts worldwide. These efforts not only promote cultural exchange but also ensure that the steelpan continues to thrive in diverse musical landscapes.
Through its use of technology and commitment to cultural preservation, the academy will pursue avenues to ensure the steelpan’s legacy resonates across generations and borders, with projects like Legends of Panderica, IoT-enhanced steelpans, and a robust LMS.
A recognised partnership can be cited as the completion of the LMS platform and online courses that were facilitated by the Office of the Prime Minister’s Sport and Culture Fund.
As a member of the TTCSI, we plan to leverage the cultural space and to remain a pillar of support for the sustainability of the pan.
"Revolutionising pan education through technology, creativity"