Students march against bullying: 'Be a buddy, not a bully'
Newsday Reporter
Students of Tranquillity Government Primary School display their placards during a walk for peace and against bullying at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
STUDENTS of the Tranquillity Government Primary School and Piccadilly Government Primary School took a firm stance for peace and asserted their antibullying advocacy as they marched around the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain on November 7.
The students held up placards denouncing violence and bullying as they marched, while chanting, "Be a buddy, not a bully."
On the same day, ASP Bandhan of the Southern Division confirmed investigations are ongoing into the suicide of Jayden Alex Lalchan.
Lalchan's parents claimed their 15-year-old son was a victim of bullying by his peers at St Stephen's College, Princes Town, catapulting the incident to national scrutiny.
Newsday photographer Ayanna Kinsale captured these images of the students as they marched.
Tranquillity Government Primary School students proudly show off their placards during a walk for peace and against bullying at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Primary school students took part in a march for peace and against bullying at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Tranquillity Government Primary School students took a firm stance for peace as they proudly marched at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. The students also chanted, "Be a buddy not a bully," asserting their fierce antibullying advocacy. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Students of Tranquillity Government Primary School proudly displayed their placards during a walk for peace and against bullying at the Queen's Park Savannah. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Students of Tranquillity Government Primary School display their placards during a walk for peace and against bullying at the Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
These Tranquillity Government Primary School students were all smiles as they display marched for peace and against bullying on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
These girls made their position clear as they marched with their peers on November 7 against bullying. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Walking hand-in-hand, these students made their stance for unity, peace and an end to bullying clear as they marched around the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Holding hands, these students proudly displayed their sign as they marched against violence and bullying on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Holding hands these students made their call to action to stop violence as they marched for peace and against bullying on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Students of Tranquillity Government Primary School display their placard calling for students to be a hero and stop bullying, during a walk for peace and against bullying at the Queen's park Savannah, Port of Spain on November 7. - Photo by Ayanna Kinsale
"Students march against bullying: ‘Be a buddy, not a bully’"