We must respect motherhood more

Photo source: piqsels.com
Photo source: piqsels.com

THE progressive functionality of any society depends on the maintenance of the intricate relationships among its social institutions. Institutions such as: home, church, school and the law must operate consensually to sustain the delicate design of the social fabric. The consequence of any disruption to the balance would be social chaos, dysphoria and anomie.

At the nucleus of social preservation, lies the institution of motherhood. Recently, I have observed that there is a disturbing laxity by which this institution is approached. In fact, I would go as far as to say that there are many women who have failed to comprehend the complexity of the role and by their actions, can be deemed undeserving of the noble title “mother.” Motherhood goes beyond mere fertility. It is an experience, a consciousness, a responsibility, a vocation and an institution. You see Trinidad and Tobago, it is alarming that there are women who have sunk as low as to fight in front of schools, adopt the “hit and run” culture and abuse their children without remorse.

I wonder, do women who use their children as ammunition in their petty emotional warfare against fathers, are they truly worthy of the title? Women who cannot see past their hate and unrequited affections, who abuse the emotional trust of their children to channel their bitterness, do they truly love their children? Women who chose to manipulate the fragility of the young minds simply to hurt the fathers in my opinion are reprehensible and sully the institution of motherhood. They are disruptions who wilfully sabotage the sanctity of motherhood and should be held accountable. Don’t get me wrong, Trinidad and Tobago, this perspective by no means undermines the real mothers. The women who understand their social responsibility to nurture emotionally intelligent children, I salute you. Women who understand that empowerment does not equal arrogance, so they respect their role as mothers and work assiduously to positively contribute to the preservation of our social fabric, I salute you.

Women who prey on their own children – grow up! Your children are not weapons to the wielded every time you want to hurt their fathers. There has been an outcry for fathers to be more involved! How can they? How can they get more involved when they are faced with these women who would lie and hold their children hostage? How can they get more involved when there is a system that is governed by the unwritten rule: “The woman is always right”?

The issue surrounding the compromise of the institution of motherhood must be addressed with great concern, since children who are victims of these women are placed smack in the middle of a tug-of-war that’s not their responsibility to win! Have they considered the rippling social implications? The loss of trust, the inability to foster healthy relationships, dishonesty, emotional unintelligence, psychological noise are just some of the effects because of the malicious intentions of these women. Do they really believe that they’re only hurting the fathers? I am forced to believe that any woman who can hurt her child is capable of the most heinous crime!


Growing up my mother used to say – there are mothers and there are mothera! Which kind are you?

Come one Trinidad and Tobago, let’s pull these women square! Respect the institution of motherhood!


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"We must respect motherhood more"

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