Rowley gives hint, attacks UNC

I'VE RUN THE RACE: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley during the budget debate on October 10 in the House of Representatives. At left is Laventille East/Morvant MP Adrian Leonce and Diego Martin Central MP Symon de Nobriga. PHOTO COURTESY OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT -
I'VE RUN THE RACE: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley during the budget debate on October 10 in the House of Representatives. At left is Laventille East/Morvant MP Adrian Leonce and Diego Martin Central MP Symon de Nobriga. PHOTO COURTESY OFFICE OF THE PARLIAMENT -

NOT ONLY did the Prime Minister give caustic replies to Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s stinging allegations about his “expensive” travels and high office expenses, but more appetising to the media was his “swan song” comment following UNC MPs Rushton Paray and Dr Rai Ragbir’s “last term in Parliament” comments.

Dr Rowley surprisingly hinted: “I am now in my tenth year as Prime Minister. I, too, may be a swan...As long as I could leave here having done the best for the people of TT, it doesn’t matter when I leave, but I will leave here with my head held high.”

Deep silence on both sides.

The speculation trigger came from his remarks to Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George: “Madam Speaker, I don’t know how much longer I will have in this Parliament, but I have done my duty. I have kept the course.”

Quite an articulate, even persuasive speaker, Dr Rowley solemnly declared: “I have run the race and I look forward not for a pot of gold but for my family at the end of this rainbow.”


He reminded me of Sinatra’s verses: “And now the end is near...I travelled each and every highway/And more, much more than this/I did it my way...The record shows I took the blows/And did it my way.”

Behind him, Tunapuna MP Esmond Forde had a sad, wondering face. Communications Minister Symon de Nobriga stopped smiling. Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh kept staring up at Dr Rowley.

The UNC bench, top to bottom, listened in respectful silence.

Will Dr Rowley really retire as PM before the general elections? Is it on doctors' advice? Is that one reason why the PNM postponed its internal election and 51st party convention? Who then – Stuart Young, Colm Imbert, Pennelope Beckles, Amery Browne, Foster Cummings, even Nyan Gadsby-Dolly, to match the Opposition Leader? Or will “dark horses” Marvin Gonzales and Robert Le Hunte be encouraged to enter? Seniority, competition or anointment?


Clarity will soon emerge. Given the country’s serious challenges, it is now very critical to have political leadership in both parties with appropriate skills, temperament and attitudes.

Is Rowley’s hint just a trial run, an Eric Williams tactic? Columnist Ralph Maraj asked him to be more definite. Former banker and public utilities minister Le Hunte wondered why, without general secretary Cummings’ explanation, the party’s elections and convention were postponed.

He provocatively added: “I hope it is not an attempt to stifle the voices of party members.” With experienced tact, Le Hunte added: “The PM has my unequivocal support if he wants to retain his position.”

After his soft “may retire” comments, Dr Rowley became brutally political when he replied to Persad-Bissessar’s expenditure criticisms. UNC MPs frowned. He compared the “high expenses” incurred by her when she was Prime Minister during 2010-15. He said as PM she spent “$170.4 million” total at the Diplomatic Centre and PM's Office while “we" spent $52.1 million at the same places.


He then said that in one instance during 2010-15, “the event planner was paid twice as much as the event itself.” Rowley also defended allegations around Udecott expenditure, a Tobago “money-wasting” building, etc.

Now all this and more, if not reliably rebutted or neutralised by the UNC, could put a dark cloud over Persad-Bissessar's leadership.

Moreover, Dr Rowley’s responses will likely go to the election platform, rivalling crime, education, health, food prices and potholes. I must admit Dr Rowley’s speech sounded devastating so far. Could the UNC respond?

Mr Imbert pledged to have an audit of expenses on the Office of the PM between 2010 and 2015 and 2015 and 2024. As he wound up his speech, Dr Rowley skilfully posed a teaser to the five UNC dissidents. Looking at them, he tactfully said: “I want to address my colleagues who have now seen the light." (Loud applause and desk-thumping.) "Now that you have come out from under the yoke of the member for Siparia and are free to speak as decent, patriotic citizens (louder applause)..."

He tempted them further: “You said that you will support good legislation. We have a piece of legislation for Tobago internal government...I ask you to read it, and if you really believe in being patriotic, you will support it.”

Will any?

And so Dr Rowley has put a loyalty test to Messrs Paray, Charles, Rambally, Ragbir and Ms Anita Haynes-Alleyne. The Opposition Leader already has enough challenges to deal with. In fact, with fighting spirit she gives no hint of leaving, telling the five, “That and God’s face they will not see.”


"Rowley gives hint, attacks UNC"

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