Princes Town mechanic found dead near his home

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A post mortem has been ordered to determine the cause of death of a man whose body was found in some bushes near his house in Princes Town.

The body of Ralph Samlal, a 56-year-old mechanic from Corial Road, was found by his brother at about 7.45 am on October 2. Samlal was last seen alive by his nephew at 10 pm on October 1.

Samlal’s brother found the body lying face down, shirtless and barefooted, in some bushes near the yard. Police sources said blood had oozed from Samlal's mouth and over the right side of his face.

Police found minor bruises on his right knee and on both shins and his right ankle. Police said investigators could not ascertain from these wounds whether death was due to foul play .

Samlal's body was removed. Investigations are ongoing.



"Princes Town mechanic found dead near his home"

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