Pan Trinbago elections in October

PAN Trinbago will host its annual general meeting/triennial convention on October 6, during which its elections will be held, Newsday was reliably informed.
Annual reports of the secretary, treasurers, president and auditors are to be read at the meeting, followed by the election of officers to the central executive committee for 2024-2027.
In 2021, the association's elections were postponed due to the covid19 pandemic and some members of the fraternity were upset by this.
There has been a lot of public discussion about pan, with recent announcements that it will feature in the redesigned national coat of arms, the planned construction of headquarters for Pan Trinbago in Port of Spain and pan receiving Geographical Indicator Rights.
Nomination forms for the elections are expected to be available from September 6, with the submission deadline being 4pm on September 13.
Only members of the general body in good financial standing are eligible for election to the association’s offices, Pan Trinbago's constitution says.
Elected officers serve for a three-year term.
"Pan Trinbago elections in October"