Kamla should do like Biden

Kamla Persad-Bissessar - File photo by Lincoln holder
Kamla Persad-Bissessar - File photo by Lincoln holder

THE EDITOR: I think UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar should heed the call for change by emulating US President Joe Biden, who dropped out of the race for the White House and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him.

The decision to relinquish power was initiated by his loyal representatives. They saw that his frailty and weakness were impeding his performance and in order to preserve the party, he did the honourable thing – he dropped out.

Similarly here, there have been calls for the Opposition Leader to step down and appoint a new leader. It is believed that since she lost two successive general elections, the third could have the same outcome.

But would she do so? Among those seeking change are some current MPs, who established themselves as the United Patriots. They are the protagonists for change.

I think the United Patriots, by contesting the UNC internal elections, was hell-bent on replacing the Opposition Leader, but the plan failed, resulted in a division.

Rushton Paray and his United Patriots are portrayed as loyal representatives and believe change is imperative to remove the PNM.

Similarly, the people who called for Biden’s replacement were his loyal representatives, but they had seen that his frailty, weakness and inability to communicate clearly and concisely in his debate with Donald Trump made him a liability to the party.

So, I also see the United Patriots members as loyal representatives, they seem to believe that it would be wise to put party first and self after, like Biden did.

Notwithstanding the events, no one can accurately say why Vasant Bharath was invited to rejoin the UNC. Many to believe that Persad-Bissessar may appoint him as interim leader.

Nonetheless, I think Persad-Bissessar has a splendid opportunity now to step aside and avoid damaging her legacy.


New York


"Kamla should do like Biden"

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