New SEO rules to grow online: How to leverage AI

Leveraging AI and SEO to help your business grow.
Photo courtesy Keron Rose.  -
Leveraging AI and SEO to help your business grow. Photo courtesy Keron Rose. -

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), we are entering a new era of search.

AI isn’t just a buzzword – it is fundamentally changing how search engines operate and how users interact with the web.

As business owners and digital marketers, it’s crucial to understand these changes and leverage them to our advantage.

In this article, we’ll explore five key strategies to help you navigate this new landscape and use AI-driven search to grow your business and digital presence.

Understanding the shift: How AI is changing search

Before diving into the strategies, it’s important to grasp the changes AI is bringing to the table.

Traditional search engines relied heavily on keyword matching to deliver results, focusing primarily on individual words within a query.

However, AI-driven search engines are now moving beyond simple keyword matching. They’re capable of understanding the context, intent and even the nuances of language, allowing for more accurate and relevant results.

With AI, search engines are becoming more intuitive, offering results that are not just based on what was typed in but what the user actually means.

This shift requires us to rethink our approach to search engine optimisation (SEO) and digital marketing.

It’s no longer just about stuffing keywords into your content; it’s about creating meaningful, user-centric content that resonates with the needs and intentions of your audience.

Strategy one: Create content with context in mind

AI-driven search engines thrive on context. They analyse not just the words in a query but also the relationship between those words.

This means that your content needs to be more than just keyword-rich – it needs to be contextually relevant.

When creating content, think about the questions your audience is asking and how your content can answer those questions in a comprehensive, meaningful way.

To leverage this, focus on creating content that addresses the specific needs of your audience. Use natural language that mirrors how people speak and think, and ensure that your content flows logically. By doing so, you’ll improve your chances of being featured in AI-driven search results, as these systems favour content that provides real value and contextually relevant information.

Strategy two: Optimise for user experience

User experience (UX) has always been crucial for SEO, and with AI, it's even more vital.

AI favours websites with seamless, intuitive experiences, including fast load times, mobile responsiveness and easy navigation.


To optimise for AI, ensure your website is user-friendly with a streamlined design, quick loading times, and strong mobile compatibility.

A better user experience increases the likelihood of being favoured by AI-driven search engines.

Strategy three: Focus on natural language and conversational keywords

As AI advances, it’s better at understanding natural language, making search queries more conversational.

Instead of just using short-tail keywords, incorporate long-tail phrases that mirror natural speech.

For example, optimise not only for "best SEO tips" but also for "what are the best SEO tips for small businesses?" This approach aligns your content with current search trends, increasing your chances of being featured in AI-driven search results.

Strategy four: Build authority with high-quality content

In the age of AI, building authority through high-quality content is more important than ever.

AI algorithms are designed to prioritise content that comes from trusted, authoritative sources.

To establish your website as an authority in your niche, focus on creating content that is informative, well-researched, and valuable to your audience.

Consistency is key here. Regularly publish high-quality content that covers topics relevant to your industry. Over time, this will help you build a reputation as a trusted source of information, which will boost your rankings in AI-driven search results.

Strategy five: Embrace structured data and schema markup.

AI relies heavily on structured data to understand and categorise the content on your website.

By using schema markup and other forms of structured data, you can provide search engines with the information they need to better understand your content.

Implementing structured data on your site helps AI-driven search engines index your content more effectively, making it more likely that your site will appear in relevant search results.

This includes everything from marking up product pages to using structured data for articles, events, and reviews.

The more information you provide to search engines, the better they can serve your content to users.

Conclusion: Embracing the future of search

AI is not just the future of search – it’s the present.

To stay competitive, adapt your strategies to harness AI’s power.

By creating contextually relevant content, optimising UX, focusing on natural language, building authority and embracing structured data, your business can thrive in the AI-driven search era.

These strategies aren’t just about following trends; they’re about securing long-term success in a digital world where AI is central. Embrace these changes to grow your business and digital presence.

Keron Rose is a digital strategist who works with businesses to build their digital presence and monetise their platforms.

Learn more at or listen to the Digipreneur FM podcast on Apple podcast, Spotify, or Google podcasts.


"New SEO rules to grow online: How to leverage AI"

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