Police investigating robberies in South Trinidad

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POLICE are investigating three separate robberies in Fyzabad, Pt Fortin and Penal.

Police reports said two women and a girl (37, 17 and 14) were assaulted and robbed at their home in Pepper Village, Fyzabad, around 10 pm on August 7. The perpetrators were two masked men with guns.

The women were robbed of a cellphone valued at $7,000, a $5,000 gold chain, other jewellery and soft drinks from a refrigerator in the house.

PCs Pascall and Ramdass interviewed several people.
They noted that the perpetrators entered and left the house through a wooden door that they broke down.

The area was canvassed for CCTV (closed circuit television) footage.


The second incident, in Pt Fortin, happened around 9.20 pm on August 7.

The victim was an 18-year-old woman who reportedly owns a shop.

A masked man with a gun came in and announced a robbery. He was accompanied by two other masked men. They stole an unknown quantity of cash.

PCs Bryan and Sheppard visited and police from the Pt Fortin station and Point Fortin municipal police searched unsuccessfully for the men.

The third incident involved the theft of a vehicle from a 51-year-old housewife at San Francique Road, Penal, around 4 pm on August 7.

Police later found it abandoned and in good condition on a track at Quarry Road, Morne Diablo, Rock Road, Penal.

The woman later identified the vehicle, which was returned to her.

Cpl Gaffar and PCs Toolsie, Matapallat, Hosein and Seepersadsingh were involved in this exercise.

Investigations into all three incidents are ongoing.



"Police investigating robberies in South Trinidad"

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