SWRHA completes probe into teen's death at Point Fortin Hospital

The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) has completed its investigation into allegations from relatives of Quinton Gabriel that staff at the Point Fortin Hospital delayed his treatment and, hence, contributed to his death from dengue.
In a brief statement to Newsday, the SWRHA said the probe was completed and the findings would be communicated to Gabriel's family. The authority declined to comment on the probe's findings.
Gabriel was admitted to the facility on July 15 and died a day later. One media report said his relatives complained of a delay in administering drips to him. In response, the SWRHA promised a detailed investigation.
"The authority commiserates with the next of kin and loved ones of the deceased client and has therefore extended bereavement services to the family members.
“While a preliminary report which details the deceased client’s treatment of care has been generated, as per standard procedure, a detailed inquiry is under way to better understand the circumstances surrounding the demise.”
Gabriel's funeral was held on July 20 where loved ones said though his life was short, it was a memorable one.
"Quinton touched us in ways words can scarcely capture," his uncle Ricardo Hayes said in the eulogy at Boodoo's Funeral Home, Penal.
"SWRHA completes probe into teen’s death at Point Fortin Hospital"