Animal welfare groups appeal for donations for Carriacou

THE Trinidad and Tobago Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (TTSPCA) and the Animal Welfare Network (AWN) have appealed for donations for Carriacou in Grenada.
The appeal was made on July 2, on both entities' social media pages.
They said: “By now, many of you will have seen the destruction caused by the hurricane in Carriacou.
“While several organisations and individuals are collecting for people, we are asking you to help the animals out there.
“We have people going up in the next two days with boats so this needs to be done as quickly as possible.
“We would be extremely grateful.”
Items required:
Dog and cat chow
Canned food
Small animal feed for chickens/ goats etc
Basic medicine to help clean wounds: Savlon, hydrogen peroxide, cotton, wound powder etc
Anyone willing to donate is asked to drop the items at the TTSPCA Port of Spain shelter at 21 Christopher Samuel Drive, Mucurapo Road, St James.
The TTSPCA and AWN will arrange to drop the supplies to the boats taking items.
Also calling for donations to be sent to Carriacou and other regions devastated by Hurricane Beryl was Venus: Doggess of Love, a Tobago-based NGO that deals with animal rescue/welfare.
Venus’s social media page said there are appeals for human-related supplies, but not animal-related.
“So we are organising. Please help swiftly if you can as a supply boat may leave as early as July 3.
“If you wish to donate money to Venus Doggess Of Love, we can organise bulk purchase of items in Trinidad and delivery.”
Donations will be sent on shipment to Carriacou for the Carriacou Animal Hospital, the only animal rescue on the island.
Items can be dropped off at 80 Lower Boundary Road, San Juan. The group said donors should ask for Kerry (480-2342), give her the donations and say "Venus for Carriacou."
For directions or other info, donors can also call 680-3795.
"Animal welfare groups appeal for donations for Carriacou"