Driving purpose within organisations

COMPLEXITY OF SUSTAINABILITY DECISIONS: Companies can use sustainability tools and techniques to help them navigate the modern business environment. - Photo courtesy Dr Axel Kravatzky
COMPLEXITY OF SUSTAINABILITY DECISIONS: Companies can use sustainability tools and techniques to help them navigate the modern business environment. - Photo courtesy Dr Axel Kravatzky

In the Caribbean and worldwide, organisations striving to be sustainable must restructure their approach to production and profit. The call for sustainable development in the face of escalating challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and economic volatility, grows more strident.

Within this context, the role of business in determining and driving sustainable growth is pivotal. Well-being, environmental health and ethical methods are at the heart of the introduction of a new standard for organisations aiming to align their operations with the goals of sustainability and societal well-being. PAS 808:2022 has the potential to help organisations rethink their purpose and core mission; and thereby re-focus and transform their operations.

Understanding PAS 808:2022

Published by the British Standards Institution (BSI), PAS 808:2022 Purpose-driven organisations – Worldviews, principles and behaviours for delivering sustainability – Guidere presents a significant advancement in the conceptualisation and operationalisation of purpose within organisations.

This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) provides a comprehensive framework for organisations aiming to align their operations with the broader objectives of sustainability and societal well-being. Since July 12, 2022, PAS 808:2022 is freely available, marking a pivotal step towards democratising access to best practices in organizational purpose and sustainability.

Genesis and development

The development of PAS 808:2022 was spearheaded by a group of experts convened by BSI. This group included representatives from diverse sectors such as the Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership, Business in the Community, the Chartered Management Institute, and major corporations like Anglian Water and the John Lewis Partnership. The collaborative nature of this development process ensured that the standard reflects a wide range of perspectives and expertise, making it relevant across different industries and organisation sizes.

Core components

PAS 808:2022 is structured around three groups of principles: Wellbeing Ends, Healthy Means, and Wise and Ethical Methods. These groups of principles encapsulate the essential elements that purpose-driven organisations (PDOs) should focus on to align their operations with long-term sustainability goals.

Wellbeing Ends: This principle emphasises the importance of organisations aiming to make a significant and positive impact on the well-being of people and the planet. It challenges organisations to rethink their core purposes and innovate towards outcomes that enhance societal and environmental health. For example, a company might develop renewable energy solutions that contribute to reducing carbon emissions, a critical aspect of environmental wellbeing. Another example could be a company creating educational programmes that enhance the knowledge and skills of communities, thereby contributing to social wellbeing.

These ends are achieved through activities that are intentionally designed to have a positive impact, reflecting the organisation's commitment to aligning its core purpose with the broader goals of sustainability and societal benefit.

Healthy Means: Under this category, organisations are encouraged to ensure that their methods of achieving their ends are sustainable and do not compromise the health of ecological and social systems. This involves a fair contribution to the preservation and enhancement of these systems, which are fundamental to long-term sustainability.

To implement the principles associated with Health Means, companies can adopt, for example, sustainable resource management by switching to renewable energy sources, reducing their carbon footprint, and promoting environmental regeneration. They can also ensure ethical supply chain practices by auditing suppliers to adhere to fair labour practices, thus enhancing the social system's health. Additionally, companies can engage with local communities by investing in infrastructure and educational programs, fostering economic development and contributing to social resilience. These practices collectively support the health of both environmental and social systems, aligning with the principles of Healthy Means as outlined in PAS 808:2022.

Wise and Ethical Methods: This principle focuses on the decision-making processes within organisations, advocating for approaches that are informed by the best available data and are aligned with ethical standards and social norms. It calls for governance and strategies that are not merely legally compliant but also morally sound and oriented towards the common good.

One example of this would related to data-driven decision making: Companies can integrate advanced data analytics into their decision-making processes to ensure that decisions are based on the most accurate and comprehensive information available. This could involve using big data to track environmental impacts or customer feedback to tailor products and services that meet ethical standards and societal needs.

Daly's Triangle and its relevance to Caribbean companies

One of the key insights from PAS 808:2022 is the adaptation of Daly's Triangle, which illustrates the shift from traditional business models focused on financial and manufactured capital to models that integrate the well-being of all stakeholders, including the environment. This model is particularly relevant for Caribbean companies seeking to transition from conventional to purpose-driven operations. It provides a clear framework for assessing where a company stands in terms of its purpose-driven journey and identifies areas where it can align more closely with sustainable practices.

Implementation and impact

The implementation of PAS 808:2022 is expected to be a dynamic and iterative process, where organisations continuously learn and adapt their strategies based on both internal assessments and external developments. By adopting this standard, organisations can significantly reduce their negative impacts on nature and society, shape their long-term strategic direction, and enhance their overall performance and resilience.

Moreover, PAS 808:2022 serves as a critical tool for organisations to attract and retain talent, innovate sustainable value propositions, and identify new markets that align with the evolving expectations of consumers, investors, and regulators regarding corporate responsibility and sustainability.

PAS 808:2022 from the BSI offers a transformative approach for organisations willing to embed sustainability deeply into their core philosophy, policies and operations. By providing a clear and structured framework, it not only guides organisations to become genuinely purpose-driven but also sets a benchmark for accountability and ethical business practices in the global market. As organisations worldwide, including the Caribbean, strive to meet the increasing demands for sustainability, PAS 808:2022 stands as a beacon for purposeful and responsible business conduct in the 21st century.

Dr Axel Kravatzky is the managing partner of TT-based Syntegra-360 Ltd, vice-chair of ISO/TC309 Governance of Organisations, and president of EurochamTT. He enables companies to flourish, helping them increase the sustainable value they generate through integrated governance, certified management systems, and transformational leadership.

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"Driving purpose within organisations"

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