Cumuto/Manzanilla MP backs Paray

CUMUTO/Manzanilla MP Dr Rai Ragbir is the sole UNC parliamentarian supporting Mayaro Rushton Paray’s call for internal elections to be held in June.
At a news conference in Couva on Friday, Paray called for his party to hold internal elections in June. He believes talk of a general election this year is simply a ruse intended to suppress the voice of the UNC’s membership.
The party is constitutionally due to hold elections for all posts on its national executive (Natex) in June, with the exception of the political leader. General elections in TT are due near the end of 2025.
On Sunday, Ragbir expressed his support for Paray. “I support the clarion call for the internal elections when constitutionally due in June. A strong UNC is poised for us to go into Government to make our twin Islands a safe economic haven for all.”
Asked if he believed Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar and UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar was the best person to lead the party into next year’s general election, Ragbir replied, “I love her dearly but for us to get in Government we need change. A stronger UNC.” He added, “The membership will dictate and we will accept whatever the UNC members decide.”
A North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) poll published on March 22 said Persad-Bissessar must step aside as UNC political leader before next year’s general election to give the party a better chance of winning it.
The poll also said, “Based on the trends obtained from the latest findings and from surveys conducted last year, NACTA predicted the PNM would hold on to its 20 seats in Trinidad and “is projected to pick up three marginal seats held by the UNC with the possibility of a fourth, thereby winning the next general elections due by November 2025.”
The UNC has 19 MPs in the House of Representatives. Persad-Bissessar and Paray are two of them. Out of the remaining 17, more than half of them support Persad-Bissessar and reject Paray’s position.
Those supporting Persad-Bissessar are MPs Dr Roodal Moonilal, Davendranath Tancoo, Khadijah Ameen, Barry Padarath, Saddam Hosein, Rudranath Indarsingh, Ravi Ratiram, Dr. Rishard Seecharan, Dr Lackram Bodoe, Michelle Benjamin, and Vandana Mohit. The UNC’s Women’s and Youth Arms also expressed their support for Persad-Bissessar.
"Cumuto/Manzanilla MP backs Paray"