Gonzales: Longdenville water challenges being addressed

Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales - File photo
Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales - File photo

PUBLIC Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales has said the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) is working to improve the water supply to the Ravine Sable area in Longdenville.

Gonzales was responding to a question from Caroni East MP Dr Rishard Seecheran in the House of Representatives on March 18.

He said the estimated supply and demand deficit for entire area is 2.08 million imperial gallons of water per day.

Gonzales attributed that situation to WASA's water treatment plant experiencing a technical issue in January.

"Since then the plant has been returned to full functionality and there has been a restoration of the regular schedule of water supply to the area."

Gonzales acknowledged there might be communities at the extremities of the distribution system that might not be receiving a regular supply of water.

He said WASA was addressing the problem by developing new surface water sources in the area which could increase overall water production in the area by 2.1 million gallons per day.

Gonzales added the "works are components of a capital investment programme recently improved by Cabinet to be executed by WASA to upgrade and develop its water infrastructure."


"Gonzales: Longdenville water challenges being addressed"

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