Slow start to Sando mas

CARNIVAL celebrations in San Fernando got off to a very slow start on Monday.
After J'Ouvert celebrations in the city ended around 11 am, it was not until 3 pm that the first band was heading towards the designated judging point at King's Wharf.
That band was Southern Mas Associates from Fyzabad with their Red Indian presentation of "Oklahoma Pride."
The masqueraders, numbering less than 100, were partly dressed in Native American attire of feathers and leather in orange, yellow, black and green, as they paraded along High Street towards King's Wharf.
Before Southern Associates made their appearance, Carnival officials were busy at King's Wharf making finishing touches to the stage for the judges and the associated sound system.
Downtown San Fernando was largely deserted after J'Ouvert ended.
Some people who participated in that celebration were seen in some bars near the wharf.
Along High Street, a few vendors sat waiting for sales while random spectators were seen wandering around.
Some spectators hoped the mas activity would pick up later in the evening
"Slow start to Sando mas"