Police urge woman bitten by bandit to make a report

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- File photo

Police are calling on a woman who was attacked and bitten by a man while exercising on Lady Chancellor Hill in Port of Spain to come forward and make a report.

Witnesses said the woman was walking Lady Chancellor on Monday when a man confronted her and demanded her car keys.

The woman began to scream and tried to fight the man off. The assailant then bit her on the hand and ran away.

Eyewitnesses say he was picked up by a getaway driver down the road.

The St Clair police station was notified of the incident by central command, but when officers arrived, the victim had already left. Officers tried to contact her, but the passer-by whose phone was used to call the police had no information about her.


Police said patrols are increased on afternoons ,given the volume of people exercising in the area.

They are encouraging the victim to make a report in the hope that the would-be bandit could be caught.


"Police urge woman bitten by bandit to make a report"

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