Kamla at final local election rally: 'Empty the clip, light up PNM'

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar called upon UNC supporters and all citizens to "empty the clip" and unleash their rage on the PNM when they vote in the local government elections on Monday.
She made this call to hundreds of party supporters at the UNC's Code Yellow Rally at the SSL carpark in San Fernando on Saturday.
On July 29, a female homeowner shot and killed an intruder at her Chaguanas home using her husband's licensed gun.
At a UNC meeting on July 31, referring to this incident, Persad-Bissessar said, "When the criminals invade your home, draw your licensed firearm and light them up! Empty the whole clip and reload too. Fight fire with fire."
At a subsequent meeting in San Fernando on August 3, she said, "You have to load up your (auto) 'matic and then knock it on them again and again."
On Saturday, Persad-Bissessar took that call to the next level.
"Empty the clip in the voting booth!"

Persad-Bissessar promised voters they will have the justice they deserve on Monday, when they vote against the PNM.
She reiterated, "Knock it on them and knock again!. Light them up!"
Persad-Bissessar told party supporters, "When you go to the voting booth on Monday, release the anger!! Release the rage!!"
She urged unleash their frustration and anger against the PNM, like Marvel Comics' superhero, the Incredible Hulk.
"Show them you are badder than monster!."
Persad-Bissessar declared, "Man handle them! Dismantle them!! Trample them!! Kick them out!!."
She told supporters, "On Monday, stop toting feelings that the Government does not see you! Make them see you! Light them up with your voting finger!"
On August 4, the Council for Responsible Political Behaviour said Persad-Bissessar had breached the code of ethical conduct with her July 31 "light them up" comment.
The council said this comment was "inappropriate and insensitive" in the context of a society besieged by crime and violence.
"The language used on political platforms should be tempered to reduce societal violence."
The council also said the Prime Minister, former UNC chairman Jack Warner and UNC senator Anil Roberts breached the code on different occasions during the campaign, by using inappropriate language.
Saying that the Prime Minister does not care about ordinary people, Persad-Bissessar told citizens on Monday, "Make him feel your pain! Make him feel your anger!
Reiterating that the UNC will implement stand-your-ground legislation when it returns to government, Persad-Bissessar expressed her sadness about the murder of Central Bank employee Darren Nandlal on Thursday night, during a home invasion in Carapichaima.
"It broke my heart."
She said on Monday, citizens must "empty the clip" on Government for all their suffering over the last eight years.
Reiterating that the UNC is the only solution to TT's problems, Persad-Bissessar said, " Trials and testings come before blessings."
Persad-Bissessar was unapologetic for anything she said during the local government elections campaign.
She said all she did was "shine a light to wake up all people."
Reiterating her confidence that the UNC/National Transformation Alliance (NTA) coalition will win Monday's elections, Persad-Bissessar said the victorious members of all UNC-controlled corporations will glue the broken pieces of the local government system back together again and make it work.
"Kamla at final local election rally: ‘Empty the clip, light up PNM’"