Barrackpore residents want roads fixed before election

File photo/Lincoln Holder
File photo/Lincoln Holder

RESIDENTS of St Croix, Barrackpore are demanding repair to their roads before local government elections.

One of the residents, Anil Mahadeo said on Wednesday, “We will continue to make the situation uncomfortable.

“We are going to continue fighting to get the road fixed before the August 14 election.

“We know if election come and go, we will get nothing. They will just push us further off the map. We are already at the end and after election they will push us under the map and leave us right there.”

For several weeks, the residents have been engaged in fiery demonstrations on Rees Road and St Croix junction.

Their action has resulted in several clashes with the police when they demanded resurfacing rather than piecemeal fixing of potholes.

During the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday, yellow and red flames, emanating from burning tyres, lit up the still dim skies. Several dozen of villagers stood on the side and behind the flames demanding urgent attention from the Ministry of Works.

Mahadeo told the Newsday, “We feel betrayed by the Ministry.”

He said they agreed to put the protest on hold as promises were made to effect repairs.

They just ‘mamaguy’ us with that. They come one day and throw down some yellow boulders. Rain fall two days after and the boulders wash away leaving the potholes just like before.

“We are going to make this situation uncomfortable. We will be protesting every day until something gives. We refuse to allow this government to neglect us any longer.”

MP Rodney Charles produced numerous letters which he sent to Works Minister Rohan Sinanan drawing attention to the deplorable road conditions in Barrackpore and other parts of the Naparima constituency.

Charles said his constituents wanted to “kill him”, but contended this was one of the crosses an Opposition MP had to bear as resources were not as available to satisfy the demands of constituents.

Mahadeo said Charles visited and assured them he was making representation but so far they have made no advances.

“We will put the protest on hold on Thursday as our Muslim brothers celebrate Eid-Ul-Adha, but on Friday, if we see no progress, we will continue.

“If we have to keep it up for the next month or month and a half, we are prepared to do so,” Mahadeo said.


"Barrackpore residents want roads fixed before election"

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