Mark still strongest UNC voice

Opposition Senator Wade Mark - File photo by Lincoln Holder
Opposition Senator Wade Mark - File photo by Lincoln Holder

THE EDITOR: The frighteningly recorded for all posterity on social media my personal opinion of Senator Wade Mark's contributions for his political party, the UNC, says that 1,098 days ago, I said Mark is simply the best. The most strident, vitriolic spokesperson for the UNC. Nobody does it better. He should be in Hollywood on the red carpet collecting Oscars for his rich argumentative performances. Political vitriol at the very best.

There are a few rising speakers in the UNC but they cannot take the spade from Mark.

I am not going to bother to identify the very few upcoming UNC speakers. It is still Mark, hook line and sinker. Apart from "the queen" herself, former prime minister and leader of the UNC, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, all the other UNC speakers are just learning the ropes.

These two are like what Tina Turner says for all eternity: simply the best, better than all the rest.

Without Mark's sterling contributions for his party and the natural born speaking talents of the UNC political leader, the UNC continues to be bereft of members of Parliament who can truly come across as not just stroking their personal egos in order to remain relevant to the enormity of unseating the PNM.


It takes a lot more than gun talk. The PNM was constructed to survive. PNM speakers, especially the Attorney General and his predecessor, are not easy. No siree.

It is not how many times you get up and shout at the Speaker of the House or the President of the Senate. If you lack Mark's ability to preach and then preach some more, you still playing at dolly house politics.

The UNC membership owes Mark for his ability to keep them on track. Whether right or wrong, Mark works incredibly hard.

Plain talking is not bad manners in TT, so why bother to mince words.


Diego Martin


"Mark still strongest UNC voice"

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