Archbishop praises 'Hard Mass', knocks unlawful use of Catholic logo

AFTER copping the 2023 Road March title, an ingenuous person is bent on Bunji Garlin following this victory with a “Lent Road March” by craftily reworking the lyrics of Hard Fete into a version called Hard Mass, branding it with the official archdiocese logo of the Catholic Church.
Complimenting the creator, Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon said he was intrigued by the ingenuity, but not so much by the unauthorised use of the seal of the church on something that is not an official document.
“It is not an official document from us (Church).”
The church also issued an official response to the lyrics that is making its rounds on social media.
“It has come to the attention of the Archdiocese of Port of Spain that a document entitled, Lyrics for Hard Mass, for Lenten Mass 2023, is circulating on social media platforms under the official Archdiocese logo.
“This document did not originate from the Archdiocese of Port of Spain. Authentic Archdiocese statements are issued only from the Church’s official media channel, CatholicTT.
“In this solemn period of Lent, we pray that the Catholic faithful will embrace and be guided by our Saviour’s journey to Calvary, leading to his resurrection at Easter and His message of salvation for all of mankind."
Gordon contended, “Our people are the most amazing people in the world, second to none.
“Somebody sent it (a copy of the document) to me this morning just before I came to mass,” he said in an interview at Our Lady of Perpetual Help RC Church, Harris Promenade, San Fernando, where he celebrated mass on the occasion of the Scouts TT Founders Day Celebration and farewell rally for the Chief Scout – President Paula-Mae Weekes.
“TT is such a beautiful and wonderful and marvellous place, that somebody, on their own initiative, took Bunji’s tune, rewrote it and put it within a wonderful context. The creativity of it, the beauty, all the rest, is wonderful.”

- Marvin Hamilton
With respect to the unauthorised use of its logo, he explained, “There are things that are harmful and there are things that are fun. Sometimes you just have to see things in a particular way.”
“Using the church’s logo, that is not appropriate. You can’t take the President’s logo or the Prime Minister's logo and put it on something that does not come from their respective offices. I imagine it (use of RC logo) was done in good humour.
“I would imagine somebody independent, maybe even an inspired Catholic, may have done it.”
Gordon said it seems that the use of the logo was just to give the document, “I suppose, pomp and ceremony and they put it in the national media. National pomp and ceremony, prank and fun is just part of our nation.”
He said he did not have time to study the lyrics to determine its appropriateness given that the Christian community is celebrating Lent.
“I would be looking at the lyrics more carefully, to see how the innovation and inspiration has worked with the song and the meaning of Lent. These things are always a wonderful buzz for the national community.”
Given that in the past the church has adapted and reworked calypsoes for use at services, Gordon said once it is appropriate, consideration will be given to adapting or adopting it.
“There is music that is uplifting. There is music that is great and there is music that is Christian. Three different categories and not all fit together.”
Below are the lyrics to Hard Mass.
I not going no small church
lemme extend my apology
Only big church, with big cross
In the middle of the sanctuary
Bible in meh back pocket
With long pants, shoes, and handkerchief
The short pants and short skirt in church
You could stay home please
I come from Sunday School
And Church Camp, and from Night Studies
Going for my ashes,
And palm cross, with my rosary
Everybody turn atheist
Allyuh studying that Jesus still?
If is me alone
leave me with Jesus on the hill
I ain't come here for no stand up
I come to praise God with meh hand up
All Jesus people put two hand in the air
Yuh two hand in the air, yuh two hand in the air
I ain't come here for no stand up
I come to praise God with meh hand up
All Jesus people put two hand in the air
Yuh two hand in the air, air, air, air, air
All Holy people do this!
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross
Sign ah the - sign ah the cross - sign ah the cross
"Archbishop praises ‘Hard Mass’, knocks unlawful use of Catholic logo"