How to fix Trinidad and Tobago in 2023

Steve Alvarez
Steve Alvarez


IT'S THE beginning of a new year but the killings and lawlessness continues unabated. Already the opposition and aspiring politicians are out there blaming the Government. Looking for a person, a leader, some saviour to rescue TT from this scourge of criminal activity and disorder.

The reality is that no one person caused this level of chaos. Which politician is responsible for the young woman who in a moment of passion ended up pregnant for a person who had absolutely no interest in starting a family?

Which politician can be blamed for the notorious gangs that decided to ignore the Government’s initiatives of GATE, MiLAT and similar opportunities for long-term personal development and chose lawlessness?

Is there a political party that is responsible for the many who now believe that there is no God and see religion and spirituality as creations of men to reign over the vulnerable?

The beast, the lion of deceit, the king of brutality reigns supreme. He decides who gets what contracts, you must see him to get simple things like a driver’s licence or a firearm permit. He decides who gets elected to what office. He runs the garbage dump, the offices of governance, the port, the schools and the towns and villages. Almost everywhere there is thuggery and dominance by force.

To the average citizen, it’s useless to attempt to fight that very powerful beast. So as a nation we cower, we conform, we accept our fate with sadness and despair.

That beast thrives on lies and disunity. So every day there are messages that will continue to sow seeds of divisiveness and distrust.

Can TT fight such a beast and return to a place of peace and prosperity? Can we see harmony in our neighbourhoods? Can our children return to schools with hope and be the new leaders of a progressive tomorrow? Can the people of TT overpower the beast?

There is an old African proverb that says, “When spider webs unite, they tie up the lion.” Therein lies our answer.


"How to fix Trinidad and Tobago in 2023"

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