Soca bard Turner claims music being ignored

AS THE Carnival season gets into full swing, soca artiste Trevon Turner is accusing media outlets, radio stations and DJs of not playing his music and ignoring his contributions to the artform. He said young people who seriously want to invest in their music career should leave Trinidad in order to do so.
In a post on his Instagram page, the artiste who uses the sobriquet Turner, said he used to be a fan of soca pioneers but his feelings have changed.
“Now I am in on the scene, I got to experience the sad reality of how these people work with their own people. I am ashamed to say this but if any youth really wants a career in music, I advise them to go somewhere more loving and caring towards creativeness and people...not Trinbago.
"Here's why I say this, I am only four years going on five in this soca world and believe me it's the worst treatment I have received from these biased media outlets and artistes likewise who seem to see me as a threat due to my distinctive voice.”
Turner said the treatment has him confused although he knew how they felt about him as a person and an artiste.
“I know I don't sound like the rest but what I can't understand is why will they choose to take food out of another positive musician's mouth. But I already know why you (DJs and radio stations) all put me in the backseat and not giving my new hit songs any play like your soca friends.”
Turner claimed a certain promoter didn’t want his songs played after he turned down that promoter's offer to manage him.
“But what he failed to realise is I was born with this gift and I am a born, black Trinbago man who has been contributing to soca music and my culture. I have faith in God, He knows my intentions are for the greater good.”
"Soca bard Turner claims music being ignored"