Flow's staff gives back on International Volunteer Day

Some 60 members of Flow's staff painted and cleaned the compound of National Centre for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) on International Volunteer Day, observed on December 5,
A media release said this is part of Flow’s annual international volunteer outreach programme, in which hundreds of employees globally engage in community activities focused on its four CSR pillars of learning: environment, access, and disaster relief.
Flow’s general manager and vice president Simone Martin-Sulgan said in the release: “When the pandemic hit and students transitioned to virtual learning, the National Centre for Persons with Disabilities was one of our very early recipients of devices (tablets and laptops) from the Cable & Wireless Charitable Foundation. Also, through Guardian Group’s Shine Christmas Charity Run we made a financial contribution to the centre’s operations in 2021.
“This year, as all the students returned to in-person classes, we decided to assist with upgrading the classrooms, and visually enhancing the learning spaces. We are also replacing the leaking roof in the lobby area, enclosing the agricultural sciences classroom and upgrading the Woodworking classroom.”
The centre's CEO Stephen Creese expressed appreciation for Flow's upgrading and repairing the facility in San Fernando.
“We recognise that we have been accorded priority status, in their approach to corporate civic responsibility. We applaud their efforts and look forward to other corporate entities emulating their fine example,” he said.
“The centre, while it is deeply appreciative of the sense of corporate social responsibility demonstrated by Flow in this collaboration, also salutes all those individuals who in their private capacity both as members and as donors have assured that we made it through the pandemic. On behalf of the board of directors, management and staff, students, trainees and apprentices, we give thanks! Finally, the centre commends Flow for its generosity of spirit.”
One staff volunteer, Randolph Ramoutar, manager, technology – audit, performance and quality, shared how he felt about volunteering at the centre.
He said institutions like the NCPD were valuable for preparing people with disabilities with the skills and abilities they need "in building the quality of life that they want in a real world.
"Flow, as an equal-opportunity company, allows me the opportunity to work and utilise these skills in building the quality of life that I desire while contributing to society, for which I give God thanks.”
The NCPD’s mission is “to be the leading organisation that is renowned for educating and training PWDs to contribute to a disability-inclusive society.”
International Volunteer Day (IVD) 2022 celebrates the theme of solidarity through volunteering. The release said this campaign highlights the power of collective humanity to drive positive change through volunteerism.
"Flow’s staff gives back on International Volunteer Day"