Residents on Cascade murder: Victim was 'a good person'

Residents of "the Blanca," Cascade, are wondering why anyone would want to kill 26-year-old construction worker Akeil Ash, who was shot dead early on Tuesday morning.
While they did not know anything about his past, they described him as a good person.
“He came into the area two years ago,” said one resident who did not want to be named. “We don't know his past, we never really spoke about it, but he was ‘normal’ – helpful, respectful and friendly. Our blood just took to him.
"Why would anyone want to kill a good person like that?”
The residents said Ash rented a bedroom in a house on Hislop Trace, Casablanca, Cascade and was staying there while he did construction jobs in the area.
On Tuesday at about 2.11 am, they heard two gunshots and later found his body outside the room.
One person said, “I was awake covering my child’s books with brown paper when I heard the two gunshots.”
“It sounded like it came from right in the yard. When we went to check we saw him lying on the side of the house, just outside his bedroom door,” another said.
Residents said they saw a small fire in Ash’s bedroom and doused it, then called the police.
They expressed anger and disappointment at the murder, saying the area was a quiet one.
"You don't really hear about murders on this side. The people here are peaceful."
Ash’s body was taken to the Forensic Science Complex, where an autopsy is expected to be done.
"Residents on Cascade murder: Victim was ‘a good person’"