Hinds: Programmes, centres for youth development coming

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds has listed several programmes and upgrades aimed to cater for youth development.
Speaking at a media conference at the Ministry of National Security, Abercromby Street, Port of Spain, on Tuesday, Hinds responded to concerns of funding for the cadet force raised by Naparima MP Rodney Charles during the UNC's media briefing on Sunday.
Hinds argued that, in addition to existing programmes like the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the Military Led Academic Training (MiLAT) programme, other programmes were being formulated to engage young people in skills training and to sway them away from negative influences.
Referring to a recent visit to Guyana by Minister of Youth Development and National Service Foster Cummings, Hinds said the trip was beneficial as it led to the development of a programme that would seek to involve young people in training for crop production.
He said the project which is estimated to cost $42 million was still before Cabinet and was optimistic that if approved, it would assist in developing the agricultural skills of young people while improving Trinidad and Tobago's food security.
"It is envisaged this youth agricultural shade house project will be a three-year project targeting 300 young people between the ages of 16 and 35 years with three cohorts of 100 participants annually commencing in September of 2022. This will include the utilisation of 26 acres of Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA)-held land which is supposed to be leased to this project for these purposes.
"I speak to you in a very serious way for the youth and at the same time for the benefit of all of Trinidad and Tobago because we produce more healthy food we'll all be better off. We'll make life for the Minister of Health easier later on with the diabetes and lifestyle diseases. We'll generate economic activity. We'll utilise young people."
Among the other plans in store for youth development, Hinds said plans to restore and upgrade the old Teacher's Training College building in Mausica for a National Youth Complex was also before Cabinet.
He noted the cost of this project was estimated to be $28 million and, if approved, would be a centre where young people would be taught principles of ethics under the guidance of defence force officers.
He also noted that the El Dorado Youth Camp in Cecilia Street would be upgraded and expanded at an estimated cost of $21 million and listed youth facilities in St James, Laventille, Basilon Street, Malick, California and Los Bajos as being earmarked for upgrades.
Hinds said given the locations of some of these communities, he and neighbouring MPs, Stuart Young and Keith Scotland have agreed to treat with problems relating to youths collectively.
"We understand that the lands between Queen's Park East and the Croisee (San Juan) including Febeau Village and all of that and including Sea Lots to the south, it doesn't have any wire fence, no boundary, every problem in those areas is ours and every contribution we make is ours."
Hinds also chided Charles for his criticism of the government's strategies and accused the UNC of mismanaging the country's national security resources during their tenure during 2010 to 2015.
"Hinds: Programmes, centres for youth development coming"