Joke that is the TTPS and EMA

THE EDITOR: On Saturday I called the St James Police Station to report a noise nuisance on Salazar Street in St James.

The owners of a house placed a turntable in the gallery and proceed to blast noise that could be heard for several surrounding streets. The noise continued until early morning.

There are two churches in the vicinity and several elderly people.

I was speaking to a female officer when one of her male colleagues rudely interrupted and started asking loudly why others were not complaining. I told him there were violent and unfriendly people at the house and perhaps other residents were scared to report them. He flew into a rage and continued his shouting.

Of course, nothing was done.

The attitude of the police and their so-called collaboration with the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) is truly a joke on the nation.

Unless there is legislation that expressly forbids this nuisance, the so-called enforcers of law and the environment will continue to be as useless as others.

Perhaps if my surname was different something would be done. Let me know, I’ll go tomorrow and make the change.


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"Joke that is the TTPS and EMA"

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