UNC senator calls on PM to come clean on Special Branch report naming minister

File photo: UNC Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial.
File photo: UNC Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial.

OPPOSITION Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial is calling on the Prime Minister to say whether he is aware of a confidential Special Branch report which made damning allegations of “unscrupulous business” by a then government senator.

Speaking at the UNC's TT Speaks meeting in San Fernando on Thursday evening, Lutchmedial said that as chairman of the National Security Council, Dr Rowley must have been aware of the July 5, 2019, Special Branch report which outlined the investigation and findings against the senator.

Saying she received the report in her mailbox, Lutchmedial proceeded to wave a document at the political meeting, held before a live audience of UNC supporters.

She said the person whom the Special Branch had investigated back in 2019, far from being dealt with either by the police or the political party of which he is a member, was actually promoted and now holds ministerial office in Rowley's Cabinet.

She said the Special Branch report, signed by the assistant commissioner of police in charge of that unit, had detailed two companies in which the then-senator was a director.


These companies, Lutchmedial alleged, received several lucrative contracts from the state to complete work for the Housing Development Corporation (HDC). The report, the UNC senator added, also linked the then PNM senator to ownership of several parcels of HDC land.

She said the Special Branch report also linked the individual to sub-contracting work handed out to reputed drug barons and gang leaders.

“Every time the PNM accuses the UNC of something, it's because they are doing it already. Every time they come to wash their mouth on us, they try to create a distraction and deflection.

“They say UNC MPs are linked to gang leaders in the East-West Corridor. They ever show you any Special Branch report to support this allegation?” Lutchmedial asked.


"UNC senator calls on PM to come clean on Special Branch report naming minister"

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